Another fundraising idea from Easy Fundraising Ideas

Saturday, December 25, 2010

Merry Christmas!

We hope you all have had a very Merry Christmas! Thanks for your continued support. Feed Oklahoma Now

Friday, December 3, 2010

Thank You!!

This month we've been able to give away clothing and buy groceries for several needy families in the Broken Arrow area! Keep shopping at our mall and lets help someone together!

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Deer hunters and others getting involved to combat hunger!

I encourage my fellow hunters and anglers to donate some of their game and fish to local organizations that help feed our fellow Oklahomans. This is a great way to get outside, enjoy yourself, and help others at the same time, below is an article about what other outdoor enthusiast are doing in their state.

Related articles
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Thursday, September 30, 2010

Last Day of Hunger Action Month!

Today is the last day of hunger action month but it's never too late to act. This month was intended to increase awareness and it has, but there is still so much more to do. We've included an article in this post on ways you can help. Remember, if everyone does "something" it will impact the lives of many, so take action, get involved, help feed some!

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Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Sunday, September 26, 2010

September is Hunger Action Month

One of the ways you can help is by Volunteering at a local foodbank, ours is the Community Foodbank of Eastern Oklahoma. This video is about a singer who volunteered at her local foodbank in Nashville.

Saturday, September 25, 2010

BILL MOYERS JOURNAL | Hunger in America | PBS

I thought this was interesting and wanted to share it with you, some of you may have already seen this but it's worth taking another look.

Friday, September 24, 2010

Teachers Speak Out About Hunger in the Classroom

I thought this was an interesting video, I remember when I lived in Virginia and was part of a ministry that reached out to several impoverished neighborhoods. The thing I remember most was the Christmas (2 week) vacation, a time where people should be the happiest but it was a time of concern for us. 
Thank God for school lunch programs that provided a free meal to a lot of these kids and in a many of cases their only meal of the day, now lets look at Christmas break again. We would go over to the neighborhoods once a week, feed, cloth, and minister to the kids and their families inside the local school bldg, but during the holidays we did our best to load them up with food and supplies because the school bldg would be closed and we were it for them until  when we returned (in 2 weeks). 
Folks this is a real problem that needs real action, effective action, start your own hunger awareness program, food drive, donation collection, work with local organizations, volunteer with something! A simple way to get involved is to do all your internet shopping through our mall or download our shopping wizard. The rebates from the stores go to fight hunger in Oklahoma with no additional cost to you and you're making a difference. 
Lets Feed Oklahoma Now!

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Feed Oklahoma Now...that means today!

COATBRIDGE, SCOTLAND - JANUARY 22:  Staff at t...Image by Getty Images via @daylife
We are going to be doing a can/food drive during the month of October to help area churches with their food pantries, dates and more info coming soon.
 Someone said recently that "teaching a man to fish", if you're familiar with that saying, is the most effective way to teach someone to help themselves, and I agree with them to a point. Now, if  they don't have food or certain necessities first they why would they listen to anything you have to say, I mean really, feed first talk later.

If I was hungry and you assisted me in getting my immediate needs taken care of ,what you have to say to me will  have more effect and power and I'm able to more effectively listen to you. Word of mouth is the most effective means of spreading a message, if you're meeting the needs of people and delivering an effective message, they will start talking about you and continue to talk about you, hence your message is now almost on auto-pilot!

How about this, feed them , teach them to feed themselves, encourage and equip them to do the same for that's powerful!

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Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Hunger Unacceptably High

Think Globally, act locally, then act globally. Our order of business: Tulsa/Broken Arrow, OK, The state of  Oklahoma, The USA, then the rest of the world. Some people might not agree with this, and they don't have to.  Don't get us wrong all of these areas will receive attention we believe we can have a bigger impact if we focus our efforts locally first.
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Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Fighting Hunger: LA Foodbank

There are just so many creative ways to help!

Chronic Hunger

Hunger in Oklahoma is unacceptably high  but it's not just here, it's a major problem in many states and countries worldwide. The article link below gives some insight to the depth of this problem, now we may not be able to save the world but we can definitely have an effect on this state and helping to feed our fellow Oklahomans.
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Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Hunger News

 Hungry children looking for a free meal this summer may not be able to find one. States and cities have cut funding for summer meal programs as need has skyrocketed, according to a new report…to read the rest of this article, click below
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One more reason why we do what we do, thanks for your support...Happy Shopping!

Saturday, July 24, 2010

Food For Thought

In the past, I've often been asked the question, "How can someone really make a difference in the world"?  My answer is always the same: “Do something meaningful for someone who has no way to pay you back.”   It's easy to lend something and expect it to be returned but when you give with no expectation of getting something in return, you will "always" get more back than you gave.

Our program allows you to go about your everyday life and still help others. When you shop using our online mall, proceeds from the rebates the stores give are given to the Community Food Bank of Eastern Oklahoma to help feed those who are struggling to feed themselves and their families. The websites in our mall are places where you probably shop now.  There is no additional cost to you for using the online mall.  The companies provide rebates in exchange for the traffic we send to their sites. By shopping here Oklahomans who need help can get it.

Even if you can’t shop right now there are still ways you can help:

1.     Download our Shopping Wizard - It downloads to your toolbar and is a reminder to you to remember to use our site when you're ready to shop
2.       Tell others about us.  They may be getting ready to travel and need airline tickets or maybe they need to purchase a gift for someone.  Maybe they are a Bass Pro junkie like myself and can't stay off Bass

Thanks in advance for your support and for helping us Feed Oklahoma.

Friday, July 23, 2010

Food Assistance Programs & Resources

Child nutrition programs make a positive difference. They can mean the difference between empty tummies and the ability to function productively and healthfully. For children, they can make the difference between healthy growth…and failure to thrive. The more families who use them, the closer we come to our goal of ending childhood hunger in America by 2015.

1 in 5 Americans use at least one of USDA’s food and nutrition assistance programs during the year.xvi

Nearly half (49.2%) of American children will receive SNAP benefits at some point in their lives.xvii
Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP, formerly “food stamps”):
35.5 million Americans used SNAP on average per month during 2009, 6.1 million more per month than in 2008.

The average monthly SNAP benefit in 2009 was $128.45 per person, or less than $1.50 per meal.

17.7 million American children received SNAP benefits on average per month in 2009.xviii
Learn more >>

Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants and Children (WIC):
Nearly 9.2 million American women and children under the age of 5 participated in WIC on average per month in 2009.

7 million participants were children and infants in 2009.

$41.93 was the average monthly food benefit each participant received in 2009, $1.84 less per month than in 2008.

Every $1 spent on WIC results in $1.77 to $3.13 in Medicaid savings for newborns and their mothers.

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Community Food Bank of Eastern Oklahoma: Fighting Hunger, Feeding Hope

Hunger Facts

Oklahoma is the fourth hungriest
state in the nation.

One in five Oklahoma children is at
risk of going to bed hungry.

We've got to change this! Help us help our fellow Oklahomans.

Support Our Group by Shopping at our Online Mall! Click Here!

Understanding Childhood Hunger

Facts On Childhood Hunger


Why Childhood Hunger Is Important

hunger-facts1-small.jpgHunger impairs our children’s health in significant and long-lasting ways:
Hunger impedes our children’s ability to learn and perform academically.
Hunger predisposes our children to emotional and behavioral difficulties.

Hunger in Oklahoma FYI

Hunger is truly a reality in our own backyard:
  • According to the USDA, Oklahoma is the fourth hungriest state in the nation and number six in food insecurity, which means that the food intake of some household members is reduced and normal eating patterns disrupted because the household lacks money and other resources for food.
  • One out of every five Oklahoma children is at risk of going to bed hungry every night.
  • Of households experiencing hunger, less than 20 percent are classified as unemployed. More than one-third are disabled and/or retired, while the remaining 46 percent have at least one working member.
  • More people are enrolled in the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP), formerly known as Food Stamps, than any other time in Oklahoma's history and unemployment is at a five-year high.

The Community Food Bank of Eastern Oklahoma

About the Food Bank

The Community Food Bank of Eastern Oklahoma was founded in 1981 as the Tulsa Community Food Bank. We are a private, non-profit 501 (c)(3) organization that works to feed the hungry of Eastern Oklahoma and engages our communities in ending hunger.

Who We Serve

We serve 450 Partner Programs in 24 counties of Eastern Oklahoma. These programs include emergency food pantries, soup kitchens, homeless shelters, after-school programs and senior citizen centers. Nearly half of the food that is distributed to the hungry by these agencies comes from the Food Bank and together we feed 60,000 people per week.

Proceeds from our online mall are donated to this organization.

Support Our Group by Shopping at our Online Mall! Click Here!

Note: We are not in anyway affiliated with The Community Food Bank of Eastern Oklahoma, this is our charity of choice.

Hunger in Oklahoma

The Harsh Reality of Hunger
in Oklahoma

Sadly, according to the USDA, Oklahoma ranks fourth in the nation in the number of people who are "very low food insecure," or hungry, at 5.9 percent. We rank sixth in the nation at 14.0 percent in the number of people who are food insecure, which is defined by the USDA as being hungry at times during the year due to lack of money for food. Here is a brief snapshot of the hungry in Eastern Oklahoma:
The Faces of the Hungry in Eastern Oklahoma
  • 44 percent of household members served by emergency pantry programs in Eastern Oklahoma are children under the age of 18.
  • More than 22 percent of our children live in food insecure households - more then one in five children at risk of going to bed hungry every night.
  • Of households experiencing hunger, less than 20 percent are classified as unemployed. More than one-third are disabled and/or retired, while the remaining 46 percent have at least one working member.
Poverty in Eastern Oklahoma
  • 16.2 percent of Oklahomans live in poverty, more than one in six. The poverty level in 2009 is $22,050 for a family of four.
  • Oklahoma's poverty rate is highest on children with 23.2 percent living in poverty.
Tough Choices
  • 48 percent of households served report having to choose between paying for food and paying for utilities; 36 percent had to choose between paying for food and paying rent or mortgage; and 34 percent had to choose between paying for food and paying for medicine or medical care.
Emergency Food Programs
  • The Food Bank is by far the single most important source of food for emergency food programs, accounting for 70 percent of food used by pantries, 56 percent of food used by soup kitchens and 42 percent of food used by shelters.
  • The single fastest growing group of people relying on emergency feeding programs is the working poor: households where both parents may be working, or where one is holding down one or more low-paying jobs.